Tag Archives: leonardo dicaprio

Why Leo Doesn’t Deserve the Oscar

Good Morning Double Gobblers. Kristy here, and today we are going to narrow our focus a bit to discuss something that has been bubbling up on the internet for quite some time.

On Wednesday, we wrote about some talented actors and actresses who earned more than one Academy Award for their portrayals on the big screen. Today, we are going to talk about one actor who many believe to have been snubbed time and again for Oscar-worthy performances: Leonardo Dicaprio.


Yes, it’s true that when I was in 6th or 7th grade I owned a book similar to this: Leonardo Tear-out Photo Book. While I can’t deny that my young adult self started off as a fan girl for Leo, I would like to believe that my film tastes have matured over the years to look beyond his boyish smirk to see a really talented young actor emerge.

I appreciate many of DiCaprio’s films and I think he is one of the finest American actors of my generation. That being said,  I do not believe that the campaign for Leo to win an Oscar in 2014 is warranted (see this article for some over the top fan tweets campaigning for Leo’s Oscar win).

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